Saint Peter's Church, Woodmansterne

Saint Peter's Church, Woodmansterne

Come and see (John 1.46)

Our Mission

At St Peter’s and as followers of Jesus, we seek to share the joy of life with God within and without our parish borders.


Mission support

We financially support a number of Christian orgnisation that are making huge difference in the gospel of Jesus Christ. These currently include:

The Bible Society -

Evangelical Alliance -

Church Mission Society -

Church Pastoral Aid Society -


Mission Link parish

We are actively linked with the parish of St.Philip’s, Mkoba in the Gweru province of Zimbabwe.

In support of the Croydon Episcopal Area mission link with the Diocese of Central Zimbabwe, we are actively linked with the parish of St Philip's Mkoba, Gweru.


St Matthew's Foodbank

St Peter's supports the foodbank run by St Matthew's Church, Redhill by sending food donations throughout the year.

St Matthew's Foodbank