Saint Peter's Church, Woodmansterne

Saint Peter's Church, Woodmansterne

Come and see (John 1.46)

Pastoral Care

Our approach to pastoral care is informed by the ministry of Jesus Christ who described himself as ‘the good shepherd’ (John 10.7) As one willing to lay down his life for his sheep, his church, Jesus is the chief shepherd. From this flows the overarching command to love one another (John 13.34) which in essence means taking responsibility for one another as we carry each other’s burdens (Galatians 6.2). No one is left out in the pastoral ministry endeavour.

Our model hopes for pastoral care to be primarily delivered through discipleship groups and other formal and informal forums within our congregation. The furthering of mutual love and support within these networks will enable pastoral care to happen spontaneously and in various ways from prayer to practical support.

The coordination of the various emerging responsibilities in this ministry is overseen by Susan Knight and Sally Frost who liaise closely with the rector.


To contact them:

Susan Knight – 01737359873

Sally Frost - 01737351522